Trainmobil starts the next service technician course in Potsdam in December

Over the past few weeks, 12 mechatronics technicians attended their remaining training courses to complete the shortened training program.

“Just being away from the company for a total of three weeks is a blessing for me and Stefan – because he has no loss of earnings, I don’t have to do without him for over three months and it naturally motivates him a lot to continue his development even after he has passed his apprenticeship certification exam As entrepreneurs, we have to take this into account today, otherwise we will be missing a crucial factor for the success of the workshop: qualified personnel,” says Carl Lehmann from the Lehmann garage.

How is it even possible to train service technicians in 3 weeks?

Many of Trainmobil’s training courses are recognized as pre-qualification, saving you 170 teaching units. Even if you have not yet attended all the required training courses or will not be able to complete them by december, they can be completed over the course of the year, as the next round of “Service Technician” training will start in March 2024.

Would you like to take a look behind the scenes?

Click here for the playlist of our training courses that await you during your apprenticeship:

Are you interested in what participants have to say about training at Trainmobil?

Click here for the short interview:

Qualification campaign

Counteracting the shortage of skilled workers and training young people with competent partners is what we stand for. With our service technician campaign, we offer mechatronics technicians training to become service technicians in a cost-effective and time-saving way. The workshop can offer a high-quality further training program without having to do without the employee.

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